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                   Flag og Great Britain
'The UNION JACK' ; Flag of Great Britain. England was a major world power, from the 16th century to the 20th century; when 'the sun never set on the British Empire and its vast colonies' Majority of the early settlers to the American continent came from England and settled in Jamestown (1607) Most of the British people, that I have encountered, have had a great affection, for India. Great-Britain has voted, for the inclusion of India, as a new member, at the UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL ! 'The STAR SPANGLED BANNER'; Flag of the United States of America.Flag of the 'United States Republican party' Flag of the 'State of Illinois'

Some interesting facts about President Abraham Lincoln's ancestors

British colonization of the Americas (1607): reign of King James VI and I (June'1566 - Mar'1625); [Scotland] // [England & Ireland] respectively;

Richard Lincoln (x/xx/1550 - x/xx/1620)@@@@ Great-great-great-great-great-grandfather; @@[[ Swanton Morley, Norfolk, England]]
Edward Lincoln (x/xx/xxxx -x/xx/xxxx)@@@@ Great-great-great-great-grandfather;>>>>>>@[[ Hingham, Norfolk, England]]
Samuel Lincoln (8/24/1622 - 5/26/1690)@@@@ Great-great-great-grandfather;>>>>>>>>>>>@[[ Hingham, Norfolk,, England]]
Mordechai Lincoln (x/xx/xxxx - x/xx/1736) @@@Great-great-grandfather;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>@[[ Exeter Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA]]
John Lincoln (x/xx/1716 - x/xx/1788) @@@@@Great-grandfather;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[[ Shenandoah Valley, Rockingham County, East Virginia]]
Capt. Abraham Lincoln (5/13/1774 - 5/1/1786) @Grandfather;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>@[[ Floyds Park, Jefferson County, Virginia]]
Thomas Lincoln (01/6/1778 - 1/17/1851) @@@@Father;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[[ Lerna village, Charleston, Coles County Illinois]]
Sir Abraham Lincoln (2/12/1809 - 4/15/1865) @16th President;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[[ Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield,, Illinois]]